Monitor IAM User Activities & Access to Regions and Services at scale


Are you tired of the hassle it takes to keep track of all your IAM users?

Up until now, the only way to get a sense of your users was to hop from one account’s console to another, export lists, and then tediously combine them. Or, for the more technically inclined, you could write complex scripts and tinker with APIs, profiles, and access keys just to gather this information programmatically. Talk about a headache!

But guess what? CloudYali has arrived to save the day! With CloudYali, you can now view and manage all your IAM users in one convenient window. No more jumping through hoops or juggling multiple consoles. It’s all right here, in a single, user-friendly interface.

Picture this: you log in to CloudYali, and voila! There they are, your IAM users, neatly organized with their important properties displayed for your perusal. It’s a breath of fresh air, simplifying your IAM user management like never before.

While root users have long been familiar with IAM best practices, it’s equally important for non-root users to adhere to these guidelines.

  • Secure IAM users with multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
  • Rotate access keys regularly for use cases that require long-term credentials
  • Ensure the password is rotated regularly
  • Apply least-privilege permissions
  • Generate least-privilege policies based on access activity
  • Regularly review and remove unused users
  • Regularly review and remove unused access keys
  • Keep track of accessed services and regions for IAM users

Say goodbye to custom scripts and tools, as we simplify IAM user monitoring like never before. In this blog post, we’ll explore the best practices for all users and show you how CloudYali revolutionizes IAM monitoring.

Secure IAM users with multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Authentication plays a pivotal role in safeguarding your AWS accounts. Enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) for IAM users adds an extra layer of security by requiring an additional verification step during login. With CloudYali, you can easily identify all users without active MFA without any effort.

IAM users without active MFA
IAM users without active MFA

Rotate access keys regularly for use cases that require long-term credentials

IAM Users with access keys not rotated for long time
IAM Users with access keys not rotated for long time

Regularly review and remove unused or inactive users

Each active IAM user represents a potential entry point for unauthorized access. By periodically reviewing and removing unused or inactive users, you eliminate unnecessary risks and bolster the security of your AWS account.

Monitoring a large number of IAM users can quickly become overwhelming, especially when some of them are no longer actively engaged. Think about it: each user requires account management, access control configuration, and password maintenance. By regularly decluttering your IAM user list, you simplify your IAM user monitoring efforts.

Regulatory requirements and industry best practices often call for regular audits and cleanup of user accounts. By regularly reviewing and removing unused or inactive IAM users, you stay in line with these standards. With CloudYali’s unified console, you can easily identify those inactive users and swiftly remove them, keeping your IAM environment clean and focused on the active users who truly require access.‍

Inactive IAM users
Inactive IAM users

Regularly review and remove unused access keys

Unused access keys are like forgotten keys lying around, waiting to be discovered and misused. Regularly reviewing and removing access keys eliminates potential security vulnerabilities and fortifies your AWS account. It’s all about minimizing the attack surface and ensuring that only active, necessary access keys are in use.

With CloudYali’s unified console, you gain a comprehensive view of all your access keys, making it easy to identify and retire those that are no longer needed. This streamlines your IAM environment, reducing complexity and ensuring that only the essential keys remain in circulation.

Idle access keys can be a red flag when it comes to compliance and regulatory requirements. Regularly reviewing and removing unused access keys demonstrates a commitment to maintaining a secure IAM environment and adhering to industry best practices. With CloudYali, you have the tools at your fingertips to perform these reviews effortlessly, ensuring you stay on top of IAM compliance requirements.

Users with unused access keys

Monitoring IAM User Activities for accessed regions and services

Monitoring the activities of IAM users is absolutely crucial when it comes to safeguarding the security of your organization’s AWS environment. It involves keeping a close eye on user logins, API calls, and resource utilization. However, it’s equally important to track user access to specific AWS regions and services for a number of reasons.

First and foremost, this monitoring enables organizations to swiftly identify any unusual or suspicious activity. For instance, an unauthorised user attempting to gain access to a particular region or service could indicate a potential security breach. Additionally, by monitoring user access, organizations can enforce the principle of least privilege. This means ensuring that users only have access to the resources and services that are necessary for them to carry out their job responsibilities effectively.

So, how can you effectively monitor user access to regions and services within AWS? Well, there are a few approaches you can take. One option is to leverage the power of AWS CloudTrail, a tool that records and logs user activity within AWS. CloudTrail logs provide valuable insights into user access to specific regions and services. Administrators can even set up alerts that notify them whenever a user attempts to access a ce that falls outside their authorized permissions.

In addition to CloudTrail, there are helpful IAM APIs available to provide detailed information on IAM user activities, including service usage and regions. For instance, the “generate-service-last-accessed-details” API delivers the date and time when an IAM user last accessed an AWS service. On the other hand, the “generate-credential-report” API generates a comprehensive report that includes information on the last usage of IAM credentials for accessing AWS services. By utilizing these APIs, you can effectively track user access to specific regions and services while being able to swiftly detect any unusual or suspicious behaviour.

Another handy API that comes into play for monitoring IAM non-root users is the “GetAccountAuthorizationDetails” API. This particular API retrieves a list of all IAM users, groups, and roles associated with your AWS account, along with the policies attached to each entity. Armed with this valuable information, administrators can ensure that only authorized personnel have the appropriate access to your organization’s critical data and systems.

CloudYali provides you with all the necessary last-accessed information in a straightforward and ready-to-use format. With our solution, you can confidently stay on top of user activities and ensure the ongoing security of your AWS environment.

User-accessed regions and services
User-accessed regions and services

Monitoring IAM user activities and tracking user access to specific regions and services is vital for maintaining the security of your AWS environment. By leveraging CloudYali, you can proactively detect suspicious behaviour, enforce the least privilege, and ensure compliance with confidence. Stay in control of your AWS security and protect your valuable resources.

Originally published at

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